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Original Ozymandia Rules Located6/5/08 5:36 PM
A member has provided the original Ozymandia rules published in Games Magazine back in the;s, which, along with Risk, formed the foundation of Rozz. Hopefully, he also has a copy of the map, and credit for the author.

Players: Two

Equipment: The board shown, and two sets of contrasting pieces, at least 25 per set. Pieces may be coins, beans, pebbles, or even toy soldiers.

Opening setup: Each player begins the game with nine pieces. One player places three pieces in each of the provinces Atlantea, Mu, and Wyvernia, and the other player places three pieces each in Valhalla, Halcyonna, and Elysia. (Players may vary this setup by trading inital occupation of Atlantea for Valhalla, Mu for Halcyonna, or Wyvernia for

Object: To occupy any five cities simultaneously at the start of any turn.

Movement: Players make their moves simultaneously at each turn. Following the rules below, both players secretly write their moves on separate pieces of paper, then reveal their moves and evaluate them. (Actually, it is sufficient for just one player to write down his move, the other player may then make his move orally, before the written move is revealed.)

1. In a turn, a player may make either of the following two types of moves: (a) he may move any or all of his pieces from a single;; (a province or city) onto one or more adjacent areas; or (b) he may move any number of pieces into a single area from one or more adjacent areas. Note: Adjacent provinces are those connected to one another by
bridge or mountain pass; others are adjacent only to provinces having the same first initial, and to other cities if connected by bridge. Thus, Shaomar is adjacent to Mu, Ulteria, Halcyonna, and Shangri-La City but not to any other areas.

2. A player also may use sorcery to cause any one area to be bombarded with lightning bolts. A player may move pieces and bombard a region in the same turn. However, a player may not make more than three bombardments during a game. Both players should keep count.

3. In writing down his move, a player must specify the number of pieces moved and the areas they are moved from and to, and, if appropriate, the area to be bombarded.

Example: On his first turn, a player might choose to move one piece from Mu to Mystery City, and two pieces from Mu to Atlantea; he would write,;1 M to MC, 2 M to; Or he might choose to move three pieces from Atlantea to Mu and two pieces from Wyvernia to Mu; he would write,;3 A to M, 2 W to; If, anticipating a move by his opponent into Elfin City, he wanted also to use up one of his three bombardments, he would also write,;Bomb;

New Pieces: At the start of every turn, each player receives one extra piece for each city that he is currently occupying. Only one extra piece per occupied city is received in a turn, regardless of how many pieces are in the city. The new piece may be placed either in the city itself or in the province having the same first inital, at the option of the player receiving the piece, and is immediately in play. A new piece may not be placed in a province occupied by the opponent.

Note: There is no limit to the number of pieces a player may have on the board.

Combat: When opposing pieces end up in the same area after both players have made their moves, or when opposing pieces in adjacent areas attempt to switch places, combat occurs among these pieces, and is resolved as follows.

1. If the opposing combat forces are equal in number, a single piece survives, belonging to whichever player was occupying the area on the previous turn, and all other pieces on both sides are;; (removed from play). If no player was occupying the area on the previous turn, or if the battle is between pieces attempting to switch places, then no piece survives.

2. If the opposing combat forces are unequal, the difference in number is the stronger;s numerical superiority. All the combat pieces of the weaker side are eliminated; the stronger side then subtracts his numerical superiority from the number of opposing pieces eliminated to determine the number of his own pieces that must be eliminated. If this number is zero or less - which will happen whenever one side in a combat outnumbers the other by two-to-one or better - the stronger side loses no pieces.

Example: Five pieces are in combat with three. The weaker side loses all three pieces. The stronger;s numerical advantage (two) is subtracted from the weaker;s lost pieces (three), so the stronger side loses one piece.

3. If combat takes place in different areas simultaneously, the battles are resolved independently. Battles between forces attempting to switch places are resolved first.

4. When combat occurs between unequal groups of pieces attempting to switch places, the surviving pieces complete their moves after the battle has been resolved. If upon completing their move they end up in an area occupied by opposing pieces, they must engage in combat again.
(This situation might arise, for example, if a player with four pieces in Mu moved just two of them to Shaomar while the opponent moved three pieces from Shaomar to Mu.)

Bombardment: The effects of bombardment are determined only after all the moves in a turn have been completed and all combats resolved. Bombardment of a city wipes out all pieces in that city. Bombardment of a province wipes out half the pieces in that province. (If there are an odd number of pieces, the extra piece survives.) If a player bombs an area occupied by his own pieces, they are eliminated, wholly
or partly, just as if they were his;s.
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