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Rozz Suggestions
Suggestions on the game of Rozz itself.
GOV Purchase Timing3/22/06 10:13 AM
Game #429 presents an example for discussing a minor point about GOV purchases. IronFire purchased a GOV at the same time the bot moved a single INF in to his HQ. Victory was awarded to the bot as intended, since the GOV doesn’t start producing until the next turn (though the engine resolved and left the map with an empty hex). I had a knee-jerk reaction, thinking it wasn’t intuitive, and changed the engine so it would check for victory AFTER the gov produces and resolves -- so the bot would have needed to move in 2 INF to win. That’s how things stand at the moment.

But now ... is that any more intuitive? Should there be a distinction between Gov purchased that round, vs one that was already there? That is: suppose Iron already had a Gov (and 1 INF just produced) at the start of the round, and the bot moved 2 INF in ... we’d expect that to be a win, right?

Brain’s foggy. I’ll think about it, but any input is welcome.

Last edited by MATT, 5/31/14 3:04 PM
3/22/06 11:46 AM
Hmmmm...I can see it both ways. I think its most intuitive for productions to happen at the end of a turn, as opposed to the beginning. For the most part, it simplifies things, but I know what your saying.

OR, productions could happen either at the beginning of a round (but after commands are entered) or right after purchases...the problem with that is it makes industry more powerfull (you would get money before strikes).
Last edited by IronFire, 3/22/06 11:49 AM
3/22/06 2:26 PM
Well, one thing that seems reasonable is that all productions should occur at the same time: so you should get your GC Infantry at the same time as your money. What do you see as the difference between getting that at the end, rather than at the beginning? In either case, as you construct your commands, you’d be seeing the board after receiving those productions ... so perhaps it is just a question of where Victory is determined.

The original plan makes a lot of sense:

Productions -> Ready Commands -> Resolve -> Check for Victory

The confusion stems from the fact that we’re looking at the board at the "Ready Commands" part of that sequence. So, we move a man into someone’s empty GC and it’s wiped out during the productions before the next turn.
Last edited by MATT, 5/31/14 3:06 PM
3/23/06 9:56 AM
Found a bug in the engine that was throwing off the production priorities and had caused the GOV productions to continue after a victory. That’s fixed, so now it will be less confusing. If I have an empty HQ and you move an INF into it, you win, even if I had purchased GOV in that round. The board will now show your man sitting there.
Last edited by MATT, 5/31/14 3:06 PM
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