Choose Scenario

Solo Training Hex
The Solo Training Hex is designed to aquaint a new player with the game of Rozz without an opponent.
OBJECTIVE: Occupy the enemy Headquarters by ending up with an Armored or Infantry Division at R1.

Basic Training
Basic Training introduces the game of Rozz with a small arena and simple item catalog.
OBJECTIVE: Occupy your opponent's headquarters and win.

Jousting Ground
Take it to the Jousting Ground, and see who's left standing!
OBJECTIVE: Occupy your opponent's headquarters and win.

Triple Blitz
A close-quarter battleground for three players, using the standard item catalog.
OBJECTIVE: Occupy any opponent's headquarters and win.

Triple Blitz Conquest
A close-quarter battleground for three players, using the standard item catalog.
OBJECTIVE: Conquer all opponents and win.

Triple Battleground *
A classic three-way scenario, with more central space than the blitz version.
OBJECTIVE: Occupy any opponent's headquarters and win.

Triple Battleground Conquest *
A classic three-way scenario, with more central space than the blitz version.
OBJECTIVE: Conquer all opponents and win.

City Lights *
A specialty scenario with industry waiting in the center of the board.
OBJECTIVE: Occupy any opponent's headquarters and win.

City Lights Conquest *
A specialty scenario with industry waiting in the center of the board.
OBJECTIVE: Conquer all opponents and win.

A close-quarter battleground for four players, using the standard item catalog.
OBJECTIVE: Occupy any opponent's headquarters and win.

Crisscross Conquest
A close-quarter battleground for four players, using the standard item catalog.
OBJECTIVE: Conquer all opponents and win.

Fray for Five *
A not-quite symmetrical battleground for five players, using the standard item catalog.
OBJECTIVE: Occupy any opponent's headquarters and win.

Fray for Five Conquest *
A not-quite symmetrical battleground for five players, using the standard item catalog.
OBJECTIVE: Conquer all opponents and win.

Classic Rozz *
The classic Rozz scenario for up to six players.
OBJECTIVE: Occupy any opponent's headquarters and win.

Classic Rozz Conquest *
The classic Rozz scenario for up to six players.
OBJECTIVE: Conquer all opponents and win.

King of the Hill *
A specialty scenario using the classic Rozz board, with a centralized neutral HQ.
OBJECTIVE: Occupy any opponent's headquarters, or Rozz, and win.

Deep Pockets *
A specialty scenario using the classic Rozz board, where players start with a bank of 500.
OBJECTIVE: Occupy any opponent's headquarters and win.

Deep Pockets Conquest *
A specialty scenario using the classic Rozz board, where players start with a bank of 500.
OBJECTIVE: Conquer all opponents and win.

Stealth Bombers *
A specialty three-way with an extra stealth bomber item.
OBJECTIVE: Occupy any opponent's headquarters and win.

Stealth Bombers Conquest *
A specialty three-way with an extra stealth bomber item.
OBJECTIVE: Conquer all opponents and win.

Middle East Minor
Wage your own Minor War on Terror!
OBJECTIVE: Occupy any opponent's headquarters and win.

Middle East Minor Conquest
Conquer the Middle East!
OBJECTIVE: Conquer all opponents and win.

Middle East Major
Wage your own War on Terror!
OBJECTIVE: Occupy any opponent's headquarters and win.

Middle East Major Conquest
Conquer the Middle East!
OBJECTIVE: Conquer all opponents and win.

World Conquest
Conquer the World!
OBJECTIVE: Conquer all opponents and win.

Triple Islands
An IMPROVED island map for three players.
OBJECTIVE: This map has WATER and SHORE terrain.

Instead of a transport, you can purchase a BOAT that can carry INF through WATER terrain and strike like armor.

Only BOAT, INF, ARMOR, and missiles are allowed on SHORE terrain.

Infantry in water can swim to shore if they are close enough.

Rozz Chess
A chess variant based on Rozz.
OBJECTIVE: Anything can kill the opposing KING.

All pieces and pawns move one square in ANY direction except KNIGHT which moves two squares (any two squares away, not just traditional L moves).


BISHOP strikes two squares away.

ROOK kills anything and strikes one square away.


QUEEN combines ROOK and BISHOP.

You cannot move to a square you occupy, even if that piece is moving on the same round.

* Designated scenarios are available only to full members.
Rozz™ game, concepts, and PlayRozz™ website are copyright © 2005-2025 by Sengin Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.