Item Catalog
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| HQ Headquarters | N/A |
| Your Headquarters marks your starting tile; defend it, while seeking to occupy your opponent's Headquarters. A Headquarters (indicated by the abbreviation HQ) is not available for purchase. It always has an owner, and is restricted to 1 per tile. At the end of a round, the item deposits $5 rozz in the owner's account, and provides 1 command, and provides victory points to the non-owner beneficiary, where the beneficiary is a foreign piece of type INF, or ARMOR. Yields 1 victory point. |
| INF Infantry Division | $1 |
| Infantry divisions are your primary occupying forces. An Infantry Division (indicated by the abbreviation INF) costs $1 rozz. It always has an owner. You can only purchase this item in tiles where you have an item of type HQ, INF, or ARMOR. The item can move in unlimited formation from 1 to up to 1 tile away, and can carry any number of own neutral SRNUKE. During move resolution, the item destroys (at priority 5) 1 item in the tile of type INF. |
| ARMOR Armored Division | $20 |
| Armored divisions are secondary occupying forces. They can fortify your positions, either offensively or defensively. An Armored Division (indicated by the abbreviation ARMOR) costs $20 rozz. It always has an owner. You can only purchase this item in tiles where you have an item of type HQ, INF, or ARMOR. The item can move from 1 to up to 1 tile away, and can carry any number of own neutral SRNUKE. During move resolution, the item destroys (at priority 3) 1 item in the tile of type ARMOR, and destroys (at priority 4) all items in the tile of type INF. The item has a priority 4 strike with a minumum range of 1 and a maximum range of 1, which will destroy 1 specific non-friendly target in the tile except HQ. |
| SRNUKE Short-Range Nuclear Missile | $15 |
| A Short-Range Nuke strike will destroy everything except HQ in an adjacent tile. A Short-Range Nuclear Missile (indicated by the abbreviation SRNUKE) costs $15 rozz. It is always neutral. You can only purchase (or strike with) this item in tiles where you have an item of type HQ, INF, or ARMOR. The item has a priority 4 self-destructing strike with a minumum range of 1 and a maximum range of 1, which will destroy all in the tile except HQ. |