Item Catalog
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| K KING | N/A |
| The King A KING (indicated by the abbreviation K) is not available for purchase. It always has an owner, and is restricted to 1 per tile. You can only purchase this item in tiles where there are no foreign items of type K, Q, R, N, B, nor P. The item can move from 1 to up to 1 tile away. At the end of a round, the item provides 2 commands. Yields 1 victory point. |
| Q QUEEN | N/A |
| The Queen A QUEEN (indicated by the abbreviation Q) is not available for purchase. It always has an owner, and is restricted to 1 per tile. You can only purchase this item in tiles where there are no foreign items of type K, Q, R, N, B, nor P. The item can move from 1 to up to 1 tile away. During move resolution, the item destroys (at priority 4) 1 item in the tile of type K, Q, R, N, B, P, and claims victory points. The item has a priority 4 strike with a minumum range of 1 and a maximum range of 2, which will destroy all non-friendly in the tile of type K, Q, R, N, B, P, and claims victory points. |
| R ROOK | N/A |
| The Rook A ROOK (indicated by the abbreviation R) is not available for purchase. It always has an owner, and is restricted to 1 per tile. You can only purchase this item in tiles where there are no foreign items of type K, Q, R, N, B, nor P. The item can move from 1 to up to 1 tile away. During move resolution, the item destroys (at priority 4) 1 item in the tile of type K, Q, R, N, B, P, and claims victory points. The item has a priority 4 strike with a minumum range of 1 and a maximum range of 1, which will destroy all non-friendly in the tile of type K, Q, R, N, B, P, and claims victory points. |
| N KNIGHT | N/A |
| The Knight A KNIGHT (indicated by the abbreviation N) is not available for purchase. It always has an owner, and is restricted to 1 per tile. You can only purchase this item in tiles where there are no foreign items of type K, Q, R, N, B, nor P. The item can move from 2 to up to 2 tiles away. During move resolution, the item destroys (at priority 4) 1 item in the tile of type K, N, B, and claims victory points. |
| B BISHOP | N/A |
| The Bishop A BISHOP (indicated by the abbreviation B) is not available for purchase. It always has an owner, and is restricted to 1 per tile. You can only purchase this item in tiles where there are no foreign items of type K, Q, R, N, B, nor P. The item can move from 1 to up to 1 tile away. During move resolution, the item destroys (at priority 4) 1 item in the tile of type K, and claims victory points. The item has a priority 4 strike with a minumum range of 2 and a maximum range of 2, which will destroy all non-friendly in the tile of type K, Q, R, N, B, P, and claims victory points. |
| P PAWN | N/A |
| The Pawn A PAWN (indicated by the abbreviation P) is not available for purchase. It always has an owner, and is restricted to 1 per tile. You can only purchase this item in tiles where there are no foreign items of type K, Q, R, N, B, nor P. The item can move from 1 to up to 1 tile away. During move resolution, the item destroys (at priority 4) 1 item in the tile of type K, N, B, P, and claims victory points. |