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PlayRozz Suggestions
Suggestions on the PlayRozz website.
Animations....3/15/06 12:28 PM
It would be cool to have animations when rounds are played out! Each round;; would have a seperate animation. First purchases, not much animation needed. Then movements, each unit that moves could actually move to its target hex, and not just pop over there but actually move the whole way (like being dragged over). Next combat resolution, perhaps a small explosion animations for destroyed armors and a falling over animation for destroyed inf. Lastly strikes -

I gtg, but I think you get the idea,;ll finish later.

3/15/06 2:53 PM
At some point ... yeah, that would be quite cool. I was just thinking of that yesterday as I was mulling over the demo video. To have the widest audience, the applet currently uses an old subset of Java so it can run on old browsers and;s; though animations are certainly doable, later versions of Java make them a lot easier. My intent is to eventually have two versions of the applet available: one;s 1.2 complient, and another more modern one.
8/7/12 7:54 PM
It only took six years, but we have animations!
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