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Proposed Rule Change12/18/09 12:50 PM
A proposed rule change is to remove striking ability from Jets, and instead have them eliminate Bombers in the same hex, analogous to the way Armor eliminates Infantry. Bombers are adjusted to carry Jets in support, so you might see a command such as BOMBER + JET * 4 @ R6 -> ROZZ.

The motivation behind the rule change is that Jets are seldom bought (other than by ignorant Sengins) because they are clumsy to use, requiring a move and a strike with only a limited chance of success. With the rule change, involved air warfare could become a reality.

We will be testing the idea before incorporating it.

Last edited by RozzManager, 11/29/12 10:46 PM
12/30/09 10:39 AM
The test games with this proposed rule change did not serve to recommend it. By thus increasing the strength of Jets, which can pop up like tank traps to destroy Bombers, the overall effect was to reduce the value of Bombers and thereby reduce air warfare. Those Bombers that were bought were probably not for strategic reasons but just to test them out.

We played a subsequent game where we changed the Jets back the original rules (needing to strike a target in an adjacent hex) and boosted the value of Bombers by making them nuclear bombers (they blow up the entire hex like the Stealth Bombers in one of the specialty scenarios) at the regular Bomber price of $25. There were a lot of Bombers purchased and they were very destructive. It was a fun game.

A subsequent proposal that we’ll have to test is with the nuclear bombers, as above, but with the price of Jets lowered. We will try $5 for a Jet in the next round of testing.

Last edited by RozzManager, 11/29/12 10:46 PM
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